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Competitive Chores

A desktop application that pits roommates, family members, and siblings against one another to complete chores for points. The purpose of this program is to simulate competition between users in order to motivate users to complete tasks amongst the living space.


Honing discipline is a lifetime learning experience. Something that one learns to develop, but not overnight. Instead, we can always fall back on motivation as a catalyst in force. Competitive Chores, hereon shortened to CompChores, aims to deliver such reasoning for errands that need to be done around a common environment. This competitive cooperative experience is driven to provide users the incentive needed to (even if falsely) become motivated in completing tasks against and with user coordinated teams, or ‘families.’ This report will detail the processes and methods followed by the CompChores development team in reaching this achievement. Initial discussion will focus on understanding the intended oriented goals of the project and how the choice of learning to improve competency led to the decision of Dart and Flutter for the development environment. The section will discuss the benefits of such a modular pair as well as certain shortcomings that certain other directions could have possibly avoided. With the process and methods, this section will also aim to understand the original process of interaction the team discussed when drafting the project. Backend discussion will focus on the implementation of Amazon Web Services; specifically, CompChores utilizing the proprietary Cognito with Amplify API, the API Gateway, Lambda, and Relational Database and the molding of each component to format a capable application with real time services communications. The backend discussion will relate the challenges that came with trying to provide multiple services between user and application without compromising the usability experience of users. Frontend discussions will focus rather on how variable the presentation of the web application became as development further continued. The section will make sense of the balancing act between streamlining functions of the project without having to sacrifice the users’ experience or mistakenly mis-implementing core functions that could effectively jeopardize the database from the users fingertips. To maintain all these moving parts seamlessly, Source Control will be provided its own section of discussion. The focus of Source Control will be to clarify the necessity of its forethought and the moments of significance throughout the project’s development. Following the discussion of its creation, this report will provide a Results and Findings discussion to elaborate the difference between what was desired and what was achieved. Here it will reiterate the reasoning behind how development of the project shifted tonally and how the various components within the project were affected in turn. Lastly, the report will culminate with the Conclusion in which CompChores discusses varying opinions on the project. This experience as an undergraduate capstone project reflects differently between the team members, but will bridge the common and differing experiences each member had during development. Reflection will be included, as well as prospected future plans that would have undergone should the project have been continued. It is here that the report draws to discuss the educational importance of the experience behind CompChores and whether the project is considered a success.
