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Competitive Chores

A desktop application that pits roommates, family members, and siblings against one another to complete chores for points. The purpose of this program is to simulate competition between users in order to motivate users to complete tasks amongst the living space.


Initially, CompChores was designed with the concept of multiple pages for delegated sections. This was rendered necessary at the time due to the use of listeners within the Dart language library. What CompChores eventually evolved to was the present model where everything was presented within one screen. As tumultuous the integration of several Web Services to CompChores was, an advantage to this approach was the removal of the prior necessary listeners. No longer was it necessary to promote functions that distressed calls to updates and instead were able to provide live changes and updates from the single context provided on screen. This adaptation was also conclusive to improving user experience with the application. After regressing the number of navigating pages to the single presentation, ease of functionality improved significantly. It became much easier and much quicker for users to login (especially given AWS Amplify’s login retention) , adjust changes or add points and exit the application. With the prior model, users were required to navigate for something as simple as concluding a chore. Nearly every sectioned portion of the main screen were to be independent screens, and instead the newer succinct model proved to be both ergonomical for users as well as more intuitive for the Amazon Web Services to operate without having to build contexts for each prompt or action.
